Monday, June 21, 2010

English in a Nutshell

The visual rhetorical analysis assignment gave me the opportunity to learn more about looking deeper into what you see and read. One’s first impression in not always what your end opinion will turn out to be. The ad assignment was my favorite part of the class and my least favorite was the peer reviews. I feel that judging the paper of someone else when you are trying to learn how to write yourself seems like “putting the cart before the horse”. Therefore, I feel that the peer reviews were of no service to me, while the writing lab was very beneficial and worthwhile in assisting to better my papers. The research paper was enjoyable for the reason that it made me look further into a subject that was of an interest to me. It opened me up to other views and made me merge my opinions or even change my opinion on the subject. Daniel Westover started the semester by stating that he respected his father for listening to others and being open to change. Being open to both side of an argument and balancing the research with my own ideas, that is was what the research paper help me to achieve. This class has helped me to see things that are not obvious and write with more purpose.

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