Tuesday, June 22, 2010

good things learned

I have a good experience being in this English 1010 class , because it was a really interesting and fun class to be in, because our professor Mr. Westover explain us really well what we need to do and what we need to learn. This class for me was an interesting, and not boring class like others classes. What I like about this class is the feedbacks that i receive from every paper that I did and how everyone can talk and express their opinion about anything that we were talking about during class. I also like how we have peer review days before turning in the real paper; because that helps me a lot in many ways, like to know where I need to work on, to know if my paper was interesting to read and also to know where I need make changes on my paper.
I really like the rhetorical paper that I did, because it helps me to understand and analyze better an ad, and also to see what the purpose of the ad were, and what techniques they used to convinced people.
By taking this English 1010 class during summer, I learn some things that I need to work on it more for my future English classes; also it helps me to write and analyze from a different point of view, and understand better people’s idea about different controversial topics.

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