Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Skills Learned

The most important thing I learned this summer is the use of rhetoric and the strong impact it has when making an argument or with any kind of writing. I used to write only thinking about what I thought and not how to appeal to others through my writing. It was my way or the high way so to speak, but then in while in this class I could tell that even with just some simple lessons on how visual rhetoric is used and other similar things my writing improved. I especially like the Visual Rhetorical Analysis. It changed the way I view ads. I now look at a commercial or advertisement and wonder why they added a certain element or think about their intended audience. Realizing everything they use is for a reason changes your perspective of advertisements.

I also learned to make sure I view other writing impartially until I am fully informed on a subject, because there are things that have no right answer and it is important to be informed and accept other people's opinions and ideas. You helped me to become more open minded about things in life. Overall my writing has definitely improved this summer and I plan to continue improving my skills.

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