Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Freedom!! (Mel Gibson yelling)

In a world of mandated general education requirements and a mixed up education system i would have to say that i still completely enjoyed this course. Much better to say than the math class I was currently in but that a different story. Sure i took the class because someone, somewhere high up, told me I had to do it, but i can say that i have actually gained a better joy in writing this short semester. Daniel you made the class interesting and i liked having more freedom as a write. I would say the only problem i had was that we didn't have enough time to really cover some of the topics and the papers. Of course this is from the shortened block semester, which really who planned that, and the "sickness", but i imagine it would have been much better if we had more time. Thanks for making me think and for leading an English class where i just don't do busy work and the standard essay.
-spencer luke

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