Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to Convince a Real Audience

Writing is not only something I do just to express myself, but I love doing it. Doing it the right way is the hardest part for me. I've learned that there is really not a right or wrong way of writing, but the hardest part for me is being able to get across what I'm trying to say with all the grammar errors I've had to overcome. This class was so fast paced it was hard to overcome at such a fast rate, but I am learning and that's something I've always had a huge desire for. The thing I loved about this class is really getting the tools of understanding how you convince your audience in a rhetorical manner. The way they don't want to stop reading, they want answers and they've opened themselves up to hear a different point of view. I've always been known to write when I have a lot on my mind and need to get it out. You don't always realize at the time that it's probably filled with some kind of emotion even though you're not intending it to ever be read by anyone. I've grown to appreciate writing and the importance in taking pride in how I feel and the quality of my work really makes a difference.

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