Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good Experiences

I have learned many things about writing papers. I have learned a different way to write than what I learned before. Previously, I had learned how to write a basic, standard academic essay; however, I feel that I have learned how to write a more effectual paper from this class. Actually, I was confused at first because you wanted me to write in a different way than I learned before. Since then, I have come to understand that there are many ways to write papers, and each way works in a different way. Rhetorical strategists' methods are very useful for me. I learned about these before, but I couldn't adapt the concepts to my paper. I am still not perfect in rhetorical strategies, but I am getting better. Because of this class, I am more focused on how to use rhetorical strategies for a more clear presentation of my essay. I need more practice. Also, peer reviews and discussions are good for me. When I reflected on my classmates' opinions and thoughts, I realized people have different perspectives than my own. It made my views more comprehensive. Peer reviews helped me improve my papers a lot. They have different background knowledge, thoughts, and personal views, so it helped to create a balance. Everyone who read my papers influenced my revisions, so their opinions were very valuable. Obviously, my papers improved through peer review and revision.
It was a really good experience, and I am grateful for your instruction. Thank you.

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