Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Important to me

The most important thing I learned from this English class is to be confident in my writing and that everyone has different writing styles. English was usually one of my better subjects through high school, but when it came to writing, I could forget about it. I struggled with writing a lot through high school. I never felt confident in my papers and I was always embarrassed about my writing style. I never understood how to use the right tools to write a good paper. Daniel Westover has given me those tools and shown me how to use them correctly. Since he has done that, I now can write confidently and not be embarrassed about my writing style.
I now when I look at a magazine ad or read an article, I no longer just think about it and go on. Now I think about the different strategies of the artist or writer and who they wanted to effect most by their work.
This class has been very beneficial to me and I would recommend it to anyone. Especially if they are not confident about their writing and strategies. Learning how you can write to cater to an audience rather then just writing a report to get it out of the way has been a great experience for me. It has taught me a lot about my writing and how I form ideas and present them to people. This whole class has been very beneficial to me.

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