Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Power of Words

The best thing that I have come to the realization during this course is how to be more analytical in your writings and see the hidden meaning behind the words. I certainly enjoyed the rhetorical anaylisis paper. I think I put a lot of thought to be as creative as I could. The other thing that I really benefited from this class is how to work with outside sources and implement them in my paper. It was as though I was having an argumentative discussion with the books' authors. The other aspect that was really helpful was how to come up with the subject or topics that I had to exlpore my personal interest on. I also think that it broaden my knowledge and my intellectuality was excercised as I researched on different topics for my paper. I have an increase knowledge on a variety of ethical, moral and legal matters that are facing the world today. I realized that something that can be legal doesn't necessarily mean that it's moral. And something that is moral, is not necessarily legal--which was the subject chosen for my research paper and the case for euthanasia. I honesly tried to take out as much as I could learn from this class and I'm glad I did. I feel I learned alot. Thank you.

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