Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Think rhetorically, Luke. Er, students.

Sometimes, I felt like you were Yoda (only a little taller). Not because you talk weird or anything, but just because I would hear words, but not fully understand what was said. That being said, the number one thing I learned this semester was how to think rhetorically, and even better what thinking rhetorically really denotes. I had heard many times that I just needed to "Think rhetorically, man", but every time I asked someone what that meant, no one had a clear answer. For me, it was a good thing we discussed rhetoric so much this semester, because it really cleared up a lot of confusion. The funny thing is that now when I hear news reports or hear discussions, it's hard not to try to dissect what's being said.
Learning to write with rhetoric is a skill I'll be using in the near future as well, since I'm actually going to be applying for a position with the UVU newspaper. It was hard at first for me. I had to get out of the mindset to not be confrontational, since stirring the pot is a good thing, right? I also learned to question things and to look at every side possible of a given issue. These skills will aid me in accomplishing many of my goals in life.

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