Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey mom! I can write! . . . I think.

Before this class I thought that I was able to write pretty well. I wasn’t terrible, but I definitely wasn’t as good at writing as I thought I was. I literally didn’t know what writing rhetorically even meant before taking this class. Now that I have taken this class I feel much more comfortable having others read what I have written and I don’t mind discussing what I could improve in a paper.

I think the most important thing I will take from this class is that I need to keep the reader in mind when I am writing a paper for a specific audience. It makes writing more fun when you try to imagine what something you have written will sound like to the reader. Most of what I have written previous to this class I had close to never even considered what my paper would be like for an audience. I guess I never really cared either way since the last English class I took a full term of was back in the 9th grade.

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