Friday, May 28, 2010

Did you know as an actor or model you are not allowed to have tatoos? For models they want the focus to be on the clothes or lack there of in some cases. Not only does it take away from the clothes line or product they are trying to sell but it also distracts from the image the director is trying to create from scratch. Yes some big movie stars like Will Smith do have tattoos. But guess what, before he gets to shoot one scene he has to spend about two hours covering up those tattoos on his arms alone.
Now why do tattoos matter so much? They are a way of expressing one's self, true. They are also a way of judging somebody before even meeting them, again true. The issue is not whether tattoos are good or bad. The issue is are they suitable for a work environment, particullarly in Boutaful.
I would say tattos are not appropriate for a work envoronment. When I go and see a play that was placed in the 1800's it sure helps me understand what's going on when they dress, talk, and act a certain way. I expect the same thing in the work feild. When I go to the dentist, he better be wearing gloves when he's cleaning my mouth. My waitress wearing a name tag makes me feel inclined to compliment her on her great service or ask for assistance. I know as well as anyone else that tattoos aren't going to hurt anybody. (Except in the matter of pornagraphyic or crude ones, but that's another story for another day). But as I walk into a work environment I do expect certain things. For one I want to be comfortable, expecailly if I'm doing buisness. Yes when I see a man/woman in a nice attire and very clean cut I am more welcome to open up and get things done. Now I'm not saying that because somebody has a tattoo I'm inclined to run away. I just prefer the buisness clean cut look, because then I know what to expect and what I'm looking for. Piercings definatly distract me when I'm talking to someone, because I will try to make eye contact but the focus is drawn to the the shiny piercing.
The thing is the law in Bountiful isn't that one can't have tattoos; just that they can't be visable. That is not taking away their rights. To me it's like we could all be naked but we choose to cover ourselfs up. It's creating an environment that the employers want. Which in all fairness they don't have to hire anybody they didn't want to. If they want their buisness to reflect on what they belive in such as comfort and trust, then they should have a say as to how they want their buisness run.

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