Friday, May 28, 2010

Judging a Book by It's Cover

Unfortunately, I do understand the frustrations of many of those who have tattoos or any kind of piercing in their bodies. Since they believe that this is their right to do what they want with their bodies. This is a private matter more than a public matter. The history of tattoos has existed for a very long time which derives from a persons background and is symbolic of the persons beliefs and their life. Today tattoos have become an expressive artistic way to share a personal story through images they tattoo on their bodies. On the other hand, I do share the concern of publicly showing tattoos in the workforce. I do believe that the world judges us by our outward appearance first and by that then bases who we are in the inside. It is unfortunate but nonetheless true, especially in a professional setting. I did an experiment a while ago. I went to a dealership to buy a luxury car. The first time when I went there I was dressed up really casual. First thing I noticed was that these people weren't serious about me and were ignoring me and although they knew I was a serious buyer. I got frustrated and I left. The next day, I dressed up in a fancy suit and tie, put my business glasses on and head over to the same dealership. I was amazed at the tremendous difference of treatment and how important my business was to them. How frustrating and unfair is this for someone like me who was ready to purchase the car the first time, when I was dressed casually, but like I said, people will always judge us by the way we look. This is a fact that we can't erase or ignore or become offended. This issue of tattoos is a similar concept of my own experience that at some point the Bountiful employment council is trying to address to the people with new requirements that will create a professional setting by the employees themselves. If you are working for someone else, you are representing that company (and the company's values) not your own. Therefore, you need to adjust to what the company asks of you professionally because it is only fair to conduct ourselves in a professional matter and represent the company in the best way we can.


  1. It is true that we will always be judged by the way we look and appear. I think in some ways that it is necessary for us to be able to judge between good and bad. I think we all want our children to associate with good people and maybe, especially here in Utah, that is where it starts. You are correct that it shouldn’t be exactly that way and hopefully some day we will all be able to be accepting. It is a good point to make that we must abide by the standards or desires of those we are hired by.

  2. I completely agree that employers want people working for them that will represent the company and its values in a positive manner. I believe it to be completely fair for them to not hire someone who they think will not meet their standards in this issue. Your experiment proves how easy it is to judge people off of appearance and I think it is important for high quality companies to look clean and professional. That is not to say that tattoos are a bad thing. However, for them to be visible in the business industry, is just very unprofessional.
