Friday, May 28, 2010

Professional vs. Average.

It is very fair in my opinion for employers to say they do not want to hire someone who has visible tattoos. It is their choice. Depending on the type of job being applied for, a person may not even want to show their tattoos. If I were to hire a lawyer and he had tattoos That I could see, I might question him as a lawyer. It is human nature to judge off of appearance, no one tries to, it just happens. I have nothing against tattoos, depending on what they are, I actually really like them.
There is a major difference in having a professional position and an average position. I think having visible tattoos at a grocery store or an auto store, would be totally acceptable, considering they are not completely professional businesses. I do not think people should not be hired for jobs such as that because of visible tattoos. However, as I stated earlier, if they were at a law firm, corporate company, or any other professional type of company or business, I know I would question them and their ability to help me and give me what I need.
Again, I have absolutely nothing against tattoos. I do believe, however, If certain companies want to look more professional, then I believe it is more then fine to hire the people who are going to help create that look for them.

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