Sunday, May 9, 2010

Self Defence

Should girls enrolled in high school be required to take a semester of self defense courses due to the increasing amount of threatening situations they encounter?


  1. In this day and age, self-defense is a crucial skill to know. Just like word processing is vital for any job, self-defense is vital to any woman. It is reported that 1 in 3 woman are assaulted in their lifetime and 78 women are raped each hour. With statistics like these the obvious answer would be that girls should be required to take self-defense in high school

    Some will say that with all the other requirements to graduated, adding one more required class would be overwhelming, but compromises can be made. Why not make the self-defense class count towards a P.E credit? Even if a compromise could not be reached, wouldn't skills that could possibly save the life of you, your wife, daughter, or sister be beneficial?

    When women are out alone any time, day or night, they are at a high risk for being assaulted. Researchers say that if these women knew just a few self-defense moves the number of women who are killed by attackers would decrease by more than half! If adding this one class could save the lives of millions of women why is it not already required? Self-defense classes do not just teach moves to get away from an attacker, but also inform you of threatening situations and how to avoid being in a position where you are susceptible to an attack. The best protection is prevention, and that is exactly what this class would offer!

    This class should not only be limited to females but should also be required for the males. Even though women make up the majority of attack victims, there are still men who are attacked and killed each year. Self-defense and safety courses should be a priority for anyone who values their life.

  2. I would say yes. I think it is pretty good idea. Girls should take some self-defense courses. Nowadays, society is changing to become more dangerous. Nobody, even a man, is secure or safe from violence. There are always threatening situations. I am not sexist, but frequently, young girls are targets for crimes because some women are physically weaker than men. Therefore, young girls should take self-defense courses in high school. If it is mandatory to take a self-defense course, even those who don't want to at first will come to understand that it will help them a lot, especially when faced with an offender. Most of all, those young women will feel more confident and secure.
    I heard something from one of my friends. She was learning self-defense skills when I was around nineteen years old. She said that if she encounters some threatening situations, she could escape from those problems. Before she learned self-defense, she was nervous and scared when she met a dangerous guy. Actually, she had an experience that she met some pervert before. At that time, she couldn’t do anything but run away from it. Because she didn’t learn self-defense, she could not protect by herself. She decided to take the class because thought she could protect herself from perverts through self-defense if she ever met any again.
    Her decision turned out to have a really positive result. Even though she may not encounter a pervert again, she believes in herself, so she knows how to protect herself. I think every girl should be like my friend. Threatening situations can come suddenly, so they need to be prepared just in case.
    Sometimes, I consider that if I have daughters, I would raise them to protect themselves. It is pretty dangerous to live in society nowadays. I would do my best to protect them, but I can’t be always with them. Probably, learning self-defense is the best way to protect any young girls from threatening situations.
