Sunday, May 9, 2010


Is it more important to choose a job that makes you happy than a job that gives you a high salary?


  1. This is a very good question in this day and time period were living. Due to the fact that the economy has struggled so greatly and a lot of jobs people absolutly loved no longer exist. This could certainly go both ways. One way to look at this is I've always beleived that you should follow your dreams. Go for what your passion is in life rather than the money you'll make. One would argue that unfortunatly we have to have a pretty good and steady income to even survive in the world on our own. Their are a lot of people today who went after their passion and are now regretting it, because of the cut down on jobs we don't have to have to survive in the world. These individuals are loosing their homes and everything they've worked their whole lives to get. They have an education they did things the right way, how did this happen? So we all really have to think if we do decide to strive for our passion is it one that can support us if times are bad? If not maybe their are other options that maybe are not exactly what we've dreamed of. An interest strong enough to succeed, both mentally and financially. Our true passion we could strive to do as a side kick in our lives, if it wasn't the smartest choice for all around stability. I know what I've chosen to go after is not my first choice. I managed to find a feild that fit most of my important aspects of a career. One that could also support my family, and I will always be able to find a job. I chose nursing, due to their will always be a demand. I won't have to go to bed everynight wondering if I will have a job tomorrow.

  2. as the coment above its important to do what your passion is, also to work on something that you like, because you will enjoy doing your job. to have a job that makes you happy is a privilege, because most people have a job with a high salary, but they don't really like the job, and they just do it because the high salary of the job. to be happy you have to enjoy what you do in life, thats why people study and try to get their dreams, and work where they feel they passion is.Doing something that you don't want to do, but you have to do it for some reason like the money, cause stress and other types of things that can lead you to depression, because you are practically doing something for necessity.i know some people that work on what they like, and they told me that they are very happy, because they feel afortunate to work on the jobs that they like.Also i know other people that work where they don't want to be working,and they told me that it's really frustrating to keep going and keep doing that job,because sometimes they just get tired of it.Therefore it's really good to work on what you like even though the salary is not that much, because for me working on what you like, and having people paying for it, is a gift that not many people can have in life.
