Thursday, May 27, 2010


I totally understood what the new law’s point is, but it is a little bit unfair. The reason is that tattoos are a part of fashion, now, especially in America. In Korea, actually, tattoos still represent the symbol of a gang or criminals. Therefore, when I see some people who have tattoos, I just discriminate that they might be bad people like gangs. It is discrimination. I can really often see tattoos here, and nobody cares about them who have tattoos, so I thought all Americans don’t care about tattoos. However, the new law in Bountiful goes against the trend. They want the city to present a professional image, so they are against tattoos. In other words, if people have tattoos, they do not seem professional. It is prejudice and discrimination. Tattoos are a way of personal expressions. It bothers no one. For example, there are two guys in the same place with you. One guy just has tattoos, and he does nothing. Another guy is talking on the phone too loudly. Which person bothers you? My point is that tattoos can’t bother anyone. It is same as extra clothes. But, if some people get disadvantages because of tattoos, it is unfair. I talked with some people who have tattoos, and I asked them why they took tattoos. No one answered in order to make people scary. They said that they really wanted to remember or celebrate special and important people and days. They took tattoos for themselves. I think people should have freedom to do anything only if they can be responsible for them. Other reason is that tattoo industry is clearly legal. It means tattoo is different than drugs, so they don’t have to adverse by having tattoos.


  1. I am going to respectfully disagree. Tattoos are in no way like extra clothes, if a man were to have pants tattooed on his body would that mean that he doesn't have to wear pants? And the law does not say that they won't hire potential employees who have tattoos. They employees just have to be willing to keep them hidden while they are working and then they are free to do as they wish. A lot of tattoos are vulgar or scary, which could misrepresent an institution or business. By not allowing tattoos to be visible while working they are simply saying they don't want their business to be associated with it.

  2. I'm totally understood your point. People put an equation between tattoos and gangsters in my country as well. Now, I think it's just a stereotype. More and more people look the tattoos as an art; they put tattoos on their arms and legs but it doesn't mean they are bad people or gangsters. The world and society are changing. It's really not fair that judging people by having tattoos or not.

  3. I understand your point, but I disagree with you. Even though many people have tattoos these days, they still make people scary. if someone who have a tattoos and piercings in a company, not only co-workers but also clients can't trust him or her immediately.

  4. I am sorry. Probably, I explained incorrectly. I want to say tattoos are like accessories; like a hat, a watch, or a scarf. No one wears only hat or scarf without clothes when they go outside. I think a tattoo is just another jewelry or accessory. Also, I don’t think clients can’t trust some worker who has a tattoo. If you meet some worker who has an awful or fierce face and aspect, cannot you trust the worker? Just I want to tell that people shouldn’t be judge by appearances and aspects. People should try to look other people’s ability, values, and inner beauties.
