Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tattoo, Really

My opinion is coming from an older person’s perspective with a son that has more than the average ink coverage. I feel people that are thinking about getting a tattoo should stop and think, will I still want this tattoo when I’m a grandparent and the skin is not as tight as when the tattoo was inked on. Maybe you will wish that your belly tattoo was back up on your breast. Our minds and our bodies are on a continual progression as we age, for better or worse.

Just because one person is not offended by this form of art, does not mean that everyone is not offended by having to look at an arm, leg, or even a face that has a tattoo all over it. We all have the choice to smoke or look at pornography if that is the sort of stuff you want in your environment, so we should also have the choice to look at tattoos. With so many tattoos being vulgar and pornographic, this forces the employers to cut the line at the top and just say no to any tattoos.

UPS is having the same issues with their employees. UPS requires the employees to keep all tattoos covered with clothing. This means that you have to wear long pants, long sleeved shirts or maybe just some high socks to cover your tats. They feel that the employees are a reflection of the company when they are going door to door, that the public will not be scared to open the door to a clean cut, no piercing, tattoo free package delivery person that comes knocking on their door. I feel that the employer is the one paying the wages, therefore has the right to tell the employee what they want and expect from them. The employee can find another job if they do not want to conform to the company rules.


  1. I don't agree with the policy of not hiring a person due to the fact they have tattoo's or body peircing. We all have freedom and we all choose to some extent what we want and how to express ourselves. I think for someone to express themselves with body tattoo's is a way of communication for them as a person. It's much better than going out and showing it in a way that's illegal. You take good right's away what will happen? Who decides what's good and bad also, it comes down to our own personal opinion's. Those individuals with tattoo's could be the hardest working people who are we to decide?

  2. I can't believe this policy, too. It is unfair, in my thought. It sounds like that to me you will not be hired because you are short, or you are ugly. People’s appearances don’t matter. People’s mind or humanity is more important thing. I understand if some worker serves me with tattoos, I would be a little bit scared, but I wound not care a lot. Tattoos are part of fashion. People have a freedom to choose their hair style or accessories. I think tattoos are same as accessories. People can choose any one if they want. Of course they have to be responsible for it. After people get old, tattoos will change unsightly. However, if people have tattoos to celebrate by themselves, it will not be a big deal. I think no one should interfere with others’ tattoos.

  3. By not hiring people, because they have a tattoo is like discriminating them about their appearance, which is not right, because if the person really wants to work, it should be able to have a job as any other person. I believe that as any other person who works, should follow rules from their work, and if they want that person with tattoo to covers their tats, it should be fine as long they are not discriminating them by having tats in their body.
