Sunday, May 9, 2010

Health and Death

Why are some diseases such as cancer and AIDS so avidly fought and publicized where one of the leading causes of death in the United States, obesity, which is totally preventable, is not?


  1. Obesity is not something that can be fought with pills or medications. Although there are many variations of weight loss pills and the like advertised everywhere you look, it's not the pills or medications that are really going to help over weight people to be thin and healthy. It's all about lifestyle, the right diet, and exercise. Without those key things, it is possible for anyone to become obese.
    Diseases such as cancer and AIDS are fought and publicized more frequently since there are medications and treatments doctors can provide to help, whereas there isn't much one person alone can do to cure themselves of such diseases.
    Obesity, when not the outcome of a separate illness, is one hundred percent preventable. however, Americans in the food industry have made it more difficult to be healthy individuals due to the fact that there is very easily accessible, greasy, fast food on many a street corner. Although That does not change the fact that many people now days have lost their self control over their diets or lack motivation to be active and exercise.
    It is almost entirely up to an individual as to weather they are over weight or not. Although there may be cases where a parent will not feed their child the proper nutrition they need to be healthy. The fact of the matter though, is that when a person is old enough to monitor their own diet and choose the foods they eat, they should have no room to complain or come up with excuses as to why they are over weight.
    Therefore, obesity is not publicized and fought as hard as other major diseases simply because it's more a matter of choice rather then predicament.

  2. The reason that obesity is not as stressed or publicized as some of the other diseases out there is not because it is less important or that it doesn’t kill more people than any of the other diseases. Simply stated, it is preventable, it is curable, and in most cases, completely the individuals responsibility.

    Although obesity is not publicized as obesity, it is publicized in other ways. The skinny models in the latest clothes, the different diets, foods and pills, the in-home gym equipment that promise “tighter buns and thighs with just 20 minutes a day,” and so many more.

    In our society obesity is looked down upon as a disease, when really it is a lifestyle. Our society also promotes that lifestyle; the fast food, prepackaged meals, television commercials and “quick fixes.” The foods we eat and the lives we live affect our weight just as much, if not more than our genetics. Although genetics have a large part in how we develop the foods we eat will emphasize or override the affects they have on our body.

    Cancer, while it can be preventable, you can’t see the signs coming. Obesity does not occur overnight; rather pound by pound a person begins to gain weight until they are considered obese. Cancer is just that, cancer, whereas obesity can also include things such as: diabetes, heart disease, joint, feet and back pain, and so many other things.

    Trying to publicize obesity would not be greeted with acceptance in our culture; nobody wants to know that their fatty hamburger with fries, soda, and shake is unhealthy for them. Obesity is so hard to publicize because, for the most part, our culture would reject the message.

  3. Cancer and Aids affects innocent people of all ages that have not asked for the disease. There is the exception of conceiving aids through sex and the use of dirty needles, but a lot of people have got the disease from transfusions and from the spouses and parent in child birth. On the Oprah show, the issue was brought up how in another country the males think that the cure for aids is to have sex with a virgin, and then that innocent child is yet another victim. Cancer can hit anyone and there is no one out there that has not been affected with a family member or friend. It is a hereditary problem that with enough research maybe someday the death sentence will be treated like a simple cold.
    You take a look at the obesity problem of American and that is a preventable problem that the people themselves need to step up to the plate and own. It goes back to the old saying that you can’t help someone that is not willing to help their self. There are documentary programs on obese people that have had the help through surgery and other means to lose the weight and they will turn right back around and put all the weight right back on. They love food so much that eating wins out in the end. There are psychological issues that can certainly play a role in the problem, but that is a whole different issue. Maybe the best way to combat the obesity problem is to charge higher insurance prices to overweight people and tax fast food with the money going straight to the obesity research, so the rest of America does not have to support a self inflicted problem.

  4. The media and AD campaigns put out commercials often with the support of celebrities in an effort of what looks like raising our awareness of cancer. We are told that we must check ourselves and get tested in order to catch it at an early stage. I think that most people in the world know that cancer and AIDS exist, and most likely are aware of how they can get them. So I wonder why so many companies put money into the awareness of these diseases. Would money not better be spent in helping the public to be aware of a fully preventable condition that kills more Americans than any other?
    I understand the great travesty that is cancer and how it can affect many families and lives, even to those who are completely innocent. As a society we are trying to keep the blame off of ourselves. We would rather not hear about something that we need to do different, especially if it may be something difficult. So maybe we would rather hear about something that ravages nations but that is not because of our own choices.
    The companies’ main objectives are to increase a trust in their name or product, so that we would buy more of what they offer. Could it be that they tug at the strings of our hearts so that they seem to connect better to us? If a company was telling us what we were doing was wrong and that it was killing us, they would not be received so well. It could be that as Americans we need someone to sit us down and tell us what we are doing is wrong. Plastic surgeries and pills do not solve the problems of years of neglect. As a society I think we need to build a healthier attitude from childhood, which should be reinforced by the companies of our nation so that we can all live better.
