Saturday, May 8, 2010


In a class not focused on the use of the computer, should laptops be allowed in class? Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and many other networking sites seem to be largely distracting in a classroom setting where an individual is using their laptop in class.

1 comment:

  1. Technology has changed how everything is done today verses even just ten years ago. There is good and bad benefits that come with the change and computers in the classroom is one of them. Last semester I was in a larger classroom with about two hundred students and there was a group of students that sat in front of me every day, using their laptop for entertainment and I do mean entertainment. They were on facebook, playing games and even watching cartoons while the teacher was in the front of the classroom lecturing to the class and trying to talk over the computer and the students blabbing. This was very distracting to all the rest of the students that was near their little computer party.
    On the other hand, the same students that were being disruptive with their computers were also the students that were able to take the notes for the test when the teacher read the answers off really fast, so fast that there was no way you could write it down. This gave them a head start on the studying for the final. So, maybe eliminating the internet usage in the classroom would help to control the distractions that they seem to cause for the other students in the classroom that are there to learn and paid to be there. The internet, for the most part is not needed in the classroom setting unless you are doing research, all your work is right on your computer.
