Friday, May 28, 2010


This act by Bountiful City is just another in a long line of shocking civil rights violations and atrocities. It shouldn't come as a surprise, though it certainly still does, that the city which had, up to this point, been discriminating against those potential employees who choose to shout obscenities non-stop in the work place, those who chose to come to work dressed in Nazi and Ku Klux Klan uniforms, and those who chose not to wear clothes at all at work. Now they have pushed their intolerance even farther by banning visible tattoos on city employees.

It is time we as concerned upholders of the blessed first amendment took a stand. Bountiful City went too far a long time ago, but now they've become prideful in their power, and will no doubt be unprepared for the onslaught which we will bring to their door. We will send them a message! We will let them know that our free speech is MUCH more important than theirs! How dare they attempt to oppress us in order to present a "professional" image? We will start a protest the likes of which those Tea Party dirtbags have never even DREAMED! Our motto? "We don't care that the same tax-payers that would pay our salary also voted you into office! We refuse to relinquish our right to voluntarily and intentionally enter into a counter-culture, meanwhile causing our appearances to be, exactly as we hoped they would be, contrary to what is considered acceptable by the fascist "vast majority" and expect to still be paid to work in a job where we visually represent the very city which we are protesting!!!"

OK, so it's kind of a long motto. I'm the riler, not the motto-comer-up-wither. We'll talk to him and get him to come up with something a little more catchy. But you get the point! We're not going to stand for this anymore! Discrimination against things we have extremely voluntarily chosen to do must end!


  1. I am glad someone is finally making a stand against the sickening wave of discrimination. Just because I make a decision people choose to judge me by that decision. It is high time we put a stop to first appearances and the ugly shadow they can cast on one’s mind. In solution to this ghastly error I propose a system in which people can come to know one’s inner feelings and desires previous to their actually meeting. This way we will all be able to fairly judge someone by who they are and not by what they do or show. This new system of change will bring a peace we lack, we shall call it “facebook”. All those wishing to not participate in this social experiment must choose to judge in their own right, as it has been wrongfully done for years.

  2. Yes! Welcome brother! No longer will we stand for those that judge us based on our actions and choices. Just because we've chosen to look like people that nobody trusts and have been forever associated with crime, drugs, and choices that display bad judgment (like getting permanent marks on our bodies) is no reason to assume that we actually are like those people. We just make similar choices, is all. Down with discrimination!
