Friday, May 28, 2010

I agree to new policy of Bountiful city

I think new policy of Bountiful city positively. Some people may believe that this policy is unfair. Of course, I completely understand employees’ position. They will think that it is prejudice that they are evaluated by employers just their appearances such as having tattoos and piercings.etc. However, when we think employers’ position, they prefer to hire a neat person into their company because people who are neat have a wrapped tight mind. It is not a prejudice. Of course, this sentence doesn’t have application to everyone. Some of neat people don’t think straightly, but most of people who are neat have good consciousness. Similarly, some people who have tattoos and piercings have good consciousness, but most of them have a high possibility to commit crimes. When we imagine a bad person, we think that he or she looks threatening and has a tattoos and piercings. It’s not a prejudice, but it depends on our knowledge and experiences. When we see news and read a newspaper, criminals have such appearances, so we think naturally that people who have tattoos have a high possibility to do bad things such as drugs. Employers want to find person who works faithfully and honestly, not involved in crimes. The things that they can judge via an interview are just from employees’ past work experiences and appearances. There is no standard to judge their characters and faithfulness. That’s why appearances are large part of an interview. Therefore, if employees really want to get the job, they should have qualifications which employers want.


  1. I agree that apperance is a very important thing. That's why Bountaful city is putting this regulation on. I don't neccicarily think they are putting this regulation on because they are worried about drugs or people with criminal records, but the fact that we don't want people to feel uncomfortable and that the employees are easy to approach. Comfort is an easy way for people to get to know you, and trust your business.

  2. For whatever reason I never really associate tattoos with criminals or as being threatening. Tattoos are interesting to me and many of them have a meaning behind them that is specific to the individual that has the tattoo. I guess I can see how in some positions tattoos aren't something that would be appropriate,although if it weren't for my religious beliefs I would probably be mostly covered in tattoos. I personally think they make the world more interesting but I'm sure many people disagree.
