Monday, May 10, 2010

Financial Aid

Do you think they should change restrictions on financial aid eligibility so that people with a higher income can get full aid and people with a lower GPA get less? Example: If you’re a married you would be able to make 25k a year and qualify for full financial aid but you have to have at least a 3.0 GPA.


  1. I disagree. I feel like some people struggle with their grades because they have to work while going to school. It is difficult to find the time to do both to the best of your abilities. I do feel like it is unfair that if you work, you do get cut short when really you're only making enough to cover your living expenses. Paying for yourself and paying for financial aid is difficult. I know this from experience. My husband made $20,000 in 2008 and I made $5,000. Combined, this is only enough to live a simple life. I felt like it was a little unfair that because of his income - which he earned in basic training - I only received half aid.
    I think we should entertain the idea of raising taxes so that higher education is free for residents. I feel it is imperative that the citizens of our country go to college in order to compete with the global market. In this case, I would entertain scaling financial aid based on GPA.

  2. I can definatly see a benefit of having financial aid based on a GPA requirment. The money from financial aid would, in my opinion, be given to students who were more driven.People are driven by money often, and by giving money to people who really work hard for it through thier work in school, the money would be given out more fairly. If we are handing out money to people who seem to try to fill their life with quantity by doing school, work, family, partying, dance lessons and who knows what else, and they only do half a half hearted job in their school work, it doesn't seem worth it to me. I'm not saying other things in life aside from school aren't important, because they very well are. But if one is in school, one should be trying their best, and financial aid would be a big reward for this. This would definitely help with the 'global market', because people would not only be going to school but they'd be working hard to do thier best and therefore they push themsleves to get a better education. It should also be done on an individual basis,this way it would be all about school and no ones connections to anyone else would hinder them from recieving financial aid.
