Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Question Is?

Is it in fact the parents fault, when their teenage daughter becomes anorexic?


  1. We, as human beings, have one thing that no one can take away from us: our will. There are many things others can do to influence the way we use that will, but it is still our own to decide what to do with it. An example could be, in the case of anorexia, that a parent or a friend comment to a young woman that she is looking a little overweight. This could be done in hopes of encouraging her to exercise or to take a more constructive course of action, but this particular girl decides to just not eat. While it can be said that her parents and/or friends influenced her actions, it cannot justifiably be said that another person, be it her parent or anyone else, "made" her do anything. It was her choice to take that course of action. No one can ever be held completely responsible for someone else's actions.
    That being said, it is possible to influence what someone else does. That can easily be seen by how a powerful speaker and/or leader can get others to do what he wants them to do. One of the prime examples of this, sadly, is Hitler. He was a very fluent speaker, and he knew many methods on how to get others to do what he wanted them to do. In this exact case, that of anorexia, it is doubtful that parents have their child's harm as motivation. I think most parents want the best for their child, and a lot of comments just come out wrong when spoken. Anything said can be taken as hurtful, and then it would be up to the recipient to act on what is said. People are still the makers of their own destiny, and the makers of their own choices.

  2. The reason why teenagers get anorexic may be because they get a high stress or go on a hard diet. Whatever the reason is, I believe that it is parent's fault. Firstly, let assume that a teenage daughter gets a big stress. She will be unstable and will get a stress easy even from a small thing, so she will need a help from her parents. If she talks with her parents frequently, her parents can help to her problems when it comes suddenly. Therefore, if teenagers get stress, parents can help their children by talking with them and thus encouraging them. Secondly, let assume that a teenage daughter goes on a hard diet. Most teenage girls are often interested in their outward appearance, so they lose their weight excessicely if they feel that they need it. They won't eat much. Parents should notice that their children is not eating as much as they should. If they notice the beginning symptoms of anorexia, then they should have done something to stop the problem. They also should give advice to their children to lose weight in a healthy way. Even if the parents don't eat with their children, they have the responsibility to check how their children is doing. Therefore, parents have a big responsibility to stop teenage anorexia.
